In Rainbow City, everything was bright and cheerful, till Nebulas, the evil monocorn arrives and steals the colour of the town. It is up to Iris the unicorn to bring back its colour and save the city!
Unify is a third person shooter where the player plays as a unicorn who shoots at the environment to bring back life and colour to the citizens of Rainbow City.
Game trailer

Main menu in-game
Why I designed this game
The main idea behind this game was purely to allow players to enjoy shooting at their environment, be it the people, the trees or the buildings. Having restrictions to being able to shoot at humans to kill them, I decided to add some joy by making it colourful and giving the humans life.
The irony of bringing joy to the city by using guns, attached to a unicorn was also a huge part of designing the game. Guns were made to harm and destroy, but in this case, bring joy and colour to the city.
The irony of bringing joy to the city by using guns, attached to a unicorn was also a huge part of designing the game. Guns were made to harm and destroy, but in this case, bring joy and colour to the city.
Design changes made along the way
In Unify, in order to complete a stage, the player has to paint the city with colour to achieve 100% unified rate. Enemies will spawn based on the percentage of unified. This was the initial flow of the game, but we received negative feedbacks, that this was rather boring, with a lot of repetitiveness and barely any story progress.
In order to improve this, the story was revamped and the a quest based system was added. Each stage has its specific objects to be coloured for the quests. Once a quest is completed, it will increase the Threat Level by 1. Once the player reaches Threat Level 5, a boss will spawn in the middle of the map. This changed added more progression in the story as well as reduced a lot of repetitiveness for each stage.

custom engine SCreenshots

in-game SCreenshots

in-game models